FY 2023 HUD CoC NOFO Process is now Closed

2023 CoC NOFO Final Documents Public Posting:

2023 CoC NOFO Request for Applications Available

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has posted the 2023 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition.

Organizations must submit their new or renewal application with required attachments to cocnofo@tchelpspot.org by Tuesday, August 10 before 4pm. Please use the project name as your email subject line.

All Applicants are required to attend a Mandatory Applicant Conference on 7/24/2023 at 2pm.

For questions about the Application or the 2023 CoC NOFO competition, please contact cocnofo@tchelpspot.org.

Individual Document Download

Local Competition Timeline:

July 14, 2023: FY23 Continuum of Care Program Competition NOFO & Local Funding Timeline posted to website and emailed to Continuum of Care.

July 14, 2023: TCHSC FY23 Continuum of Care (CoC)
Request for Project Applications (RFA) published to website and emailed to Continuum of Care.

July 24, 2023: Mandatory Applicant Conference - 2 P.M. All applicants are required to attend this meeting, including new applicants and renewals. Applicants interested in participating in FY23 CoC RFA funding process must attend this meeting. Click Here to Register.

August 10, 2023: Mandatory training for Review and Rank Committee (RRC) at 10:00 A.M.
(originally set for 07/28/23 - Date updated 7/26/2023)

August 10, 2023: Project Applications must be submitted (with required attachments) by 4:00pm. ONLY project applications that are submitted by the Due Date will be considered for Review, Scoring, and Ranking. Refer to the HUD HRE website under the Continuum of Care Program and read the NOFO carefully. Finished Applications should be e-mailed to cocnofo@tchelpspot.org.

August 11, 2023: Project Applications, Scoring Tools, and Links will be sent to the Review and Rank Committee (RRC).

August 17, 2023: Grant Review, Ranking, and Scoring Committee Members will submit preliminary scores for each Project Application by 6:00pm via the Scoring Tool Link.

August 18, 2023: RRC will hold a meeting

August 28, 2023: CoC Executive Committee will hold a meeting for final approval of project inclusion and ranking.

August 29, 2023: Applicants are notified about their project inclusion and ranking.

August 31, 2023: Last day for agencies to submit appeals.

September 6, 2023: CoC Executive Committee final decisions on appeals.

September 7, 2023: Notifications of appeal decisions and, if necessary, notification of any changes to inclusion and priority.

September 11, 2023: Projects due in E-Snaps for review by TCHSC Staff.

September 15, 2023: Deadline for any corrections (as identified by TCHSC staff) to be made in E-snaps.

September 25, 2023: TCHSC will make available and issue a Public Notice that All Parts of the Continuum of Care Application (CoC Application, Project Applications, Priority Listing, and Supporting Documents) are available for review on the website www.TCHelpSpot.org.

September 26, 2023: FL-509 will submit the completed NOFO to HUD on or before September 26, 2023.

Any changes to this schedule will be posted on this website.

7/26/2023 - Mandatory Review and Ranking Committee Training was changed from 7/28/2023 to 08/10/2023.

8/23/2023 - Changes made extending timeline for Executive Committee Approvals and Appeal Process.


Submitted Questions and Answers

To submit your questions, send an e-mail to cocnofo@tchelpspot.org

Is participation in HMIS a requirement to receive funding?
Yes. However, if you are a DV provider you may use an HMIS Comparable Database that meets the specifications found here: https://www.hudexchange.info/resource/6305/hmis-comparable-database-manual/.
The turnaround time seems short, can it be extended?
We release information as quickly as we can once published by HUD. Deadlines are set by HUD and are not subject to change. Unfortunately, we cannot provide any extensions and late applications will not be accepted.
Does each individual organization have to have a Code of Conduct on file with HUD?
Yes. The requirements and instructions for filing a Code of Conduct with HUD can be found here: https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/spm/gmomgmt/grantsinfo/conductgrants. Project applicants that do not currently have a Code of Conduct on file with HUD should provide that Code of Conduct with their project application.
What is the process for filing the Code of Conduct with HUD?
If you do not currently have a Code of Conduct filed with HUD, you will need to submit it to use with your application so that we can submit to HUD at the time that the applications are submitted to them. The requirements and instructions for filing with HUD can be found here: https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/spm/gmomgmt/grantsinfo/conductgrants.
Is HMIS a requirement for DV Centers?
No, but a similar/comparable system must be currently in use that meets the specifications found here: https://www.hudexchange.info/resource/6305/hmis-comparable-database-manual/.
If an organization is applying for a new Non-DV project AND a new DV project, do they submit two applications?
Yes, you must submit separate applications for each new project you are applying to receive funds for.
Can you start your application and return to finish it?
Yes, currently the application document process that the applicant is required to complete involves a word document that you can save to your computer and return to work on.Please ensure your word document is the final most up to date version before submitting it. We cannot rank or move forward incomplete applicants. TCHSC will submit the applications online in e-snaps as we have in previous years.
What is the difference between the project name under general information and the project names for each grant on the renewal form?
This is a redundancy. If renewing only one project the name would remain the same. If you are renewing multiple projects, you can state something similar to 'Project renewals for COC FL-509 NOFO 2023 Application Process" and then list the individual project names in the relevant section below.

Previous Year HUD CoC NOFO Awards and Information